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- The Hunt for Zero Point
Reads as a techno-thriller sparkled with mid-20th century history and meetings with remarkable people at the edge between the classified and unclassified (“black” and “white”) world. It presents the personal thread followed by the author, admittedly a skeptic, into the presumed technology that is able to manipulate gravity, largely phenomenological and outside current mainstream theory.
The evidence is telling and seems to originate from the work of Schauberger on implosion/vortex/torsional field, which may have gone into Die Gloche/Chronos and the spinning superconductor system of Podkletnov. It then concludes with a thread on the Hutchison Effect and the work of Townsend Brown. The analogy with the atomic bomb project and the plunder of Nazi technology by the US seem to find confirmation as well. It would deserve an update or follow up